Provo MTC

Well guys I got to the Provo MTC! The first week online was rough. I spent WAY TOO many hours on the computer and it was driving me nuts! The lessons were great and I learned a ton but I can't handle that much time on the computer so I'm excited to be in person now. 

My district is awesome and we all get along really well. I was assigned district leader last night so I've been trying to figure out what all I'm supposed to do and planning stuff out. And I'm trying not to end up like our zone leaders 'cause they're losers. 

This morning I went to the temple with my district and it was awesome! It was so cool to be in a session with all missionaries cause usually it's me and the boys and a bunch of old people. 

Also we found out that the Jamaica government isn't issuing visas right now so I'll be stuck in the states for a bit but I have no idea where I'll go. And Jamaica has the highest murder rate in the country so that's something to look forward to. Looks like banning guns and knives didn't help them out very much. 

Sorry I don't really have anything exciting to write about. Not a whole lot has happened in 3 days hahaha but it's been good so far.
